Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Linux / XP speed difference

I have just tried to run a simple WSGI server, based on the Python WSGI server implementation, on Windows XP on openSUSE 10.2.

There are significant difference in speed:

Windows XP:
1. run : 0.51 secs (to load Python modules)
2. run : 0.04 secs (normal time to generate HTML)

openSUSE 10.2:
1. run : 0.29 secs (to load Python modules)
2. run : 0.02 secs (normal time to generate HTML)

The WSGI server displays an almost empty MoinMoin page.

The test was done on a dual boot laptop, so the hardware is identical. Both server and client was running on this machine.

It's properly not the OS's fault. Maybe the Python (v.2.5) implementation?

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