Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Linux / XP speed difference

I have just tried to run a simple WSGI server, based on the Python WSGI server implementation, on Windows XP on openSUSE 10.2.

There are significant difference in speed:

Windows XP:
1. run : 0.51 secs (to load Python modules)
2. run : 0.04 secs (normal time to generate HTML)

openSUSE 10.2:
1. run : 0.29 secs (to load Python modules)
2. run : 0.02 secs (normal time to generate HTML)

The WSGI server displays an almost empty MoinMoin page.

The test was done on a dual boot laptop, so the hardware is identical. Both server and client was running on this machine.

It's properly not the OS's fault. Maybe the Python (v.2.5) implementation?

Laptop Linux

Just downloaded and installed openSUSE 10.2 and installed it on my Dell D410, and to my surprise it worked right "out of the box"! Tried the same a year ago with some different distributions, and I never got the whole laptop working. But even the WiFi works nicely with SUSE.

Seems appropriate to test an up to date Linux distro before surrendering to installing Windows Vista...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is the standard interface between web server software and Python web applications.

And this is really neat. The obvious first; you can plug any app supporting WSGI into any webserver supporting WSGI. And most webservers do, in some way or another. But whats even cooler is that WSGI has an architecture which allows applications to be stacked. You can have fx your authorization in a separate application.

Its easy and it allows for minimum coupling.


Welcome to my blog.

I usually code web solutions in ASP, but my new love in programming languages is Python. So thats probertly what will be posted here.